In this local co-op platformer adventure, you and your friend play as two cute bipedal monsters. You must learn to walk and collaborate with your teammate using the game's unique control scheme. 

 You move only one leg at a time! Besides, you can also grab your teammate's leg, which allows you to walk attached to your teammate or throw your teammate away!


- A/D (P1) or J/L (P2) to walk. You walk by spinning.

- You automatically "grab" your teammate when your legs touch.

- SHARED Spacebar to release your teammate and throw them away!

Additional Control:

- R for restart

- LeftShift (P1) or RightShift (P2) to reset your character when you get stuck

- +/- key to peek forward and backward on the map.

This is only a prototype, so expect some bugs during gameplay. Otherwise, have fun!

The prototype was developed with the help of classmates Vincent Duong, Ryan Phung, and Nate Morgan.

Development log

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